Acute and chronic low back pain, sciatica, lower back sprains or strains, lumbar disc displacement, osteoporosis, disc herniation and degeneration, post-operative laminectomy, post-operative discectomy, spondylolisthesis, post-operative fusion, spinal stenosis, stable/non-displaced fractures, pre and post-surgical care.
Features and Benefits
Trunk stability with motion restriction and pain relief aid
Limited lumbar flexion and extension helps restrict movement
Targeted compression helps support fatigued muscles that spasm and cause pain
Low-profile brace for comfortable extended wear
Easy to apply and remove
Helps provide superior sagittal control and support from T9-S1
Comfortably fits waist sizes from 71cm-122cm (28-48”) inches and up to 168cm (66")
Targeted compression helps support fatigued muscles that spasm and cause pain
Similar design as the LSO option with two lateral extensions to help reduce lateral movement
Helps provide higher degree of spinal support and relief
Helps provide superior sagittal and coronal control and support from T9-S1
Hot/Cold Pack Accessory
Optional accessory for comfort. Universally sized.